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For keynote and panel speaking engagements on decentralised technology, open data, and power in the internet age.
Funding Open: Tactics and Stories from Civic Tech
British Computer Science Institute, 17 May 2018
Making Decentralisation a Reality
Etherium London Meetup, 3 June 2015
Opening Up Government Data
Internetdagarna, Stockholm, 24 November 2014
How do we Realise the Vision for a Resilient and Open Decentralised Web?
Keynote at RestFest, 15 September 2017
Why is Decentralisation Important?
Economia Col·laborativa Procomú, Barcelona, 12 March 2016
Further talks, panels & workshops
Open Source in Government talk at the Open Source Specialist Group of British Computer Society
Lots of cancelled talks :)
Organised and ran the 2019 Redecentralize Unconference, London, UK
Breaking Big Tech Open talk at Mozfest, London
Breaking Big Tech Open at CitizenBeta, Newspeak, London
Chair of Public Service Internet panel at CPH:DOX, Copenhagen
Speaker and moderator at Data Trust Launch event hosted by the Open Data Institute at the RSA, London
Speaker and panelist at Public Spaces, Private Data conference organised by BBC Research & Development and Publicspaces.net
Funding Open: Tactics and Stories from Civic Tech at the British Computer Science Institute
Project and people speed dating workshop at Art Earth Tech, France helping participants to explore each other in terms of their ‘superpower’ skills and domain expertise as a precursor to a project pitching and feedback speed dating ‘world cafe’ session
Beyond features: matching benefits to user groups workshop at the IPFS developer conference, Berlin - working with IPFS team members and contributors to articulate the benefits of using IPFS and to who, which create market shifts and unique selling points etc
Open Decentralisation speech at XML Summer School
From Predictive Modelling to Population Health: Applications of data sharing panel at Sowerby eHealth Symposium, Imperial College London Institute of Global Health Innovation
Government open data and tools workshop for Russian government and international network, organised by WorldBank, Moscow
Ran 3 hour CKAN workshop at Open Knowledge Festival
Organiser of Open Government Partnership Civil Society day in London October 2013.
Open Data Forum in Sweden talk & workshop
Interview at European Data Forum